Sunday, December 16, 2007

He's One Already!

The Big Milestone... your first born turns one year old... And 'overwhelming' doesn't quite come close to describing what you feel.

At first, you indulge in nostalgia...
... how fast the year has gone by
... seems only yesterday when the doctor placed a not-really-crying baby in my arms, who looked at me straight in the eyest, as if asking 'so, this is life huh, doesn't look like a big deal to me'
... his first smile (that you don't want to acknowledge was really gas)
... his 'actual' first smile, his first teeth, his first baby gurgles, his first turn, his first time sitting, crawling, standing, walking

Then, you give a sigh of relief... the sleepless nights, the smelly diapers, the constant mortal fear of suffocating him while he's lying next to you, the crying, the feed-every-few-hours... all feel blissfully a thing of the past (well, almost all, anyway)

And finally, the anxiety mixed with excitement of the future...
... what's in store in the coming year
... what all there is to look forward to as you discover life through his eyes
... what kind of person am I making, what kind of a person is he growing up to be
... what more do I need to do that I'm not doing enough of
... what's the next adventure that I am going to embark on

The Big Milestone indeed for Daddy Cool ... and like I said, 'overwhelming' doesn't really describe how you feel...